Travel Facts

Each year, 4.3 billion people take a flight.
The estimated CO2 emissions from these
flights is 880 billion kgs. (Pre Covid-19)
As an industry, tourism accounts for 8% of annual global CO2 emissions, most of which is attributed to transport.
If everyone plants a tree each time they board a plane, air
travel would be CO2 negative within 16 years!

A hotel stay produces 5 times more CO2 than a typical home.
Hotels facilities like swimming pools, gyms, spas, restaurants, bars, air conditioning, heating, laundry service, consume vast amounts of energy & therefore produce great amounts of CO2.
A hotel room produces approximately 30kg of CO2 per night, this varies according to location & function.
Therefore, 1 tree would help offset a 5 night stay.

In 2019 there were 30 million passengers on cruise ships, up 6% from the previous year.
In 2019, all cruises together produced 23 billion kgs of CO2.
A passenger produces approximately 820 kgs of CO2 per cruise, therefore we estimate and recommend to plant 5 trees per cruise passenger.
Motor Vehicules

Travelling 1,000 miles by train produces 41 kgs per passenger
Rail transport is the most environment-friendly way to travel. The only methods more environmentally friendly than trains are walking and cycling.
A typical train line can carry 50,000 people per hour. Compare this with a motorway, which can move only 2,500 people per hour.

Motor Vehicles
Passenger cars and light-duty trucks, including sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks, and minivans account for over half of the emissions from the transportation sector.
If you travel 1,000 miles or 1,600 kilometres by car alone, you would emit 275 kgs of CO2 whereas 4 people making the same trip, in the same car would emit only 69 kilos each.
source: IPCC - the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change