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Trees are the most powerful absorbers of carbon emissions – by growing trees in developing countries as we travel, we can help to restore eco-systems, biodiversity and support local communities through the dignity of employment.

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Making Travel Planet & People Positive


Trees planted

Reforestation will help reverse climate change, but trees can be fragile and take time to grow, so to ensure a traveller’s carbon emissions are removed as soon as possible, Trees4Travel always assigns each tree with a share of an investment into a United Nations Certified Emissions Reduction renewable energy program, essentially doubling their promise.

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 Total Trees Planted



Total  CO2 Removed 


Haiti Reforestation Updates

March 2022

As you can see these saplings are well on their way to becoming strong, beautiful trees and in the near future this site will start to become a thriving forest again. By working together in the fight against climate change we are truly building a more sustainable and equitable world.  This reforestation project has so many essential co-benefits such as helping to improve the communities economic situation, improving soil strength, which in turn will help water quality and restoring ecosystems. Let's keep up the great work for people and planet!

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November 2021

The plantation managers organise and collaborate with local farmers to plant agroforestry species within the reforestation areas. They arrange the training of field staff, developing training materials, and expanding agroforestry seedling distribution to all local farmers. Agroforestry can improve the resiliency of agricultural systems and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

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Site Updates

August 2021

Agroforestry is a land use management system in which trees are grown around or among crops or pastureland. This diversification of the farming system initiates an agroecological succession, like that in natural ecosystems, and so starts a chain of events that enhance the functionality and sustainability of the farming system. Trees also produce a wide range of useful and marketable products from fruits/nuts, medicines, wood products, etc. This intentional combination of agriculture and forestry has multiple benefits, such as greatly enhanced yields from staple food crops, enhanced farmer livelihoods from income generation, increased biodiversity, improved soil structure and health, reduced erosion, and carbon absorption.

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Il existe de très nombreux projets de plantation d'arbres à travers le monde  qui ont besoin de notre soutien. L'approche de Trees4Travel est de  sélectionner et se concentrer sur quelques forêts à la fois. Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec des partenaires de plantation d'arbres certifiés et contrôlés, des experts dans leur environnement local. Nous ne planterons que des arbres indigènes d'une région et pour assurer un taux de survie élevé, nous ne plantons pas seulement des graines mais une variété de jeunes arbres. Le reboisement qui restaure la biodiversité et les écosystèmes naturels est notre priorité, contribuant au changement climatique et améliorant la santé et le bien-être humains. En surveillant de près nos projets sélectionnés, nous pouvons communiquer les progrès à notre communauté de voyageurs attentive et apporter des changements positifs à notre monde.


les Etapes

  • L'achat d'un arbre est effectué par un voyageur.

  • Nous combinons les fonds de tous nos voyageurs.

  • Le partenaire de plantation d'arbres prépare le site et cultive les jeunes arbres.

  • Pour s'assurer que les jeunes arbres ont le meilleur départ, ils vont dans le sol pendant la saison qui convient le mieux au type d'arbre.

  • Pour assurer la survie des jeunes arbres, les partenaires de plantation d'arbres arrosent et entretiennent les jeunes arbres nouvellement plantés.

  • Notre équipe photographie & films sur place, vous pouvez ensuite suivre vos arbres, vos voyages & votre impact dans votre tableau de bord.


The team is utilizing a variety of planting methods including Bare Root, Cutting, Direct Seeding and Seedling Nursery.


The planting seasons:

·Bare root: April-June & August-November

·Direct seeding: April-June & August-November

·Nursery: April-June & August-November

The team has primarily used bare root methods and also focus on germinating seeds in the nursery. 


Bare Root: At the onset of the rainy season, wild seedlings are harvested from healthy or remnant forests, which typically see a large influx of small seedling growth beneath the canopy. Bare root (wild) involves the gentle collection of these seedlings and quickly replanting them at an adjacent deforested area. Transferring the seedlings does not harm the healthy forest, as overcrowding and excessive shade from the canopy means only a tiny percentage of the seedlings would have survived. This planting method strategically leverages nature’s abundance

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LOCATION of REFORESTATION - Site Name: La Vallee DP, Haiti - GPS: 18°15’11.33”N, 72°39’45.10”W


  The Planting Seasons & Methods 

During dry seasons the team collect native seeds & prepare them in the nurseries.


Traditional seedling is the process of germinating seeds in the nursery, temporarily moving them to a bag or pot until they reach maturity. When the rainy season begins the saplings are then planted in the fields - in just a few years a sustainable forest emerges.



  A few of the tree species being planted  

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Gliricidia Sepium


The species Gliricidia sepium is cultivated and used for a variety of purposes in tropical regions. The flowers of Gliricidia are edible when cooked. The whole plant is a folk remedy for various conditions such as but not limited to colds, cough, fever, headache, bruises, burns, rheumatism, ulcers, and wounds. It can also be used as a rodenticide and general pesticide. 

Leucaena Leucocephala


Young leaves, pods, and flower buds are edible and usually eaten raw, steamed or mixed in soups or with rice. The seeds can also be eaten either raw or cooked, or dried then used as coffee substitute. The plant also yields edible gum used in sauces. Roasted seeds can even be used to moisturize skin. The wood is often used for its fiber, mainly to make paper.

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Delonix Regia


Besides its ornamental value, it is also a useful shade tree in tropical conditions, because it usually grows to a modest height (mostly 5 m or 15 ft, but it can reach a maximum height of 12 m or 40 ft) spreads widely and its dense foliage provides full shade. In areas with a marked dry season, it sheds its leaves during the drought, but in other areas it is virtually evergreen.

Only 1% of original forests remain in Haiti and 59% of the population live in poverty with an additional 25% in extreme poverty. 

 More About Haiti - Caribbean  

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Tree Species
Planting Methods

Our planting partner for this reforestation program is Eden Reforestation Projects.

Photos have been provided by our partner. 

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